Saturday 11 February 2017

The very begining

It always feels a tad odd to say 'I've loved beer for many years ' considering I'm only 22 but for many people that know me they understand the obsession I have and frequently mention it. But it is true, coming from a heavily influenced rugby background beer has always been a big part of, well - basically everything. Having said that it is only recently I've stumbled blindly into the world of craft beer, prior to this being part of the mass production filled world of tasteless lagers and poorly poured pints of anything cheap and cheerful. (Not to say that this world doesn't have its place in society as I regularly dabble in this, mostly towards the end of the month with payday beckoning).

With lagers growing ever tasteless I grew increasingly frustrated with the lack of variety around lagers so I decided a good old fashioned Ale might be the way forward the aroma had me intrigued from the off. But again the taste seemed to grow stale after a while and I was back to square one, then there it was my introduction to the brand that is 'brewdog'. Wandering into a dingy whetherspoons wondering 'do I want a tasteless lager or a possibly flat Ale?' Then there it was a gleaming silver and gold tap with the words 'This.Is.Lager' sprawled across the top (at this point brewdog was unknown to me and I basically chose it because it was an attractive tap and different to the rest (yes, I am a weak and feeble marketing mug).

I took a massive gulp and it was like my tastebuds had found a new best friend, little did I know this was just the tip of the craft beer iceberg and I was about to open up a world of beer that I'd had dreamed of for years. From brewdog to flying dog, from SixPoint to Thornbridge, from Stone brewing to Lagunitas, I had just blindly stumbled into the proverbial heaven of beer.

A couple of years later and I am ready to start my very own brewing journey into the pearly gates of the beer heaven. Here we go.

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